Many American parents love to volunteer in school. They can see what is going on with their students; they can assist small group instructions; they can help classroom's celebrations; they can help with many errands at school.
However, there is no English allowed in Immersion classrooms. If parents can't speak Chinese (or any target language), how can they help? Parents can sharpen pencils; organize paperworks; take flashcards home to cut and separate them into bags for students to use; cut and paste children's books (I have translated some simple children's books that we received for free. Parents pasted the cut out translations onto books.) Parents can correct homework and quizzes. School will need to agree before letting parents correct quizzes because students' grades should be private. Unless there are no names on the quizzes.
Since teachers can't use English to communicate with parents in classrooms, they will need to prepare ahead. Anything that needs to be done should have a clear note attached to it. An email can be sent home first to require help and with instruction on certain tasks.
Email is one way to communicate with parents. Some parents can come volunteer at school but some can't make it. They will appreciate any kind of communication that let them see the progress of students, aware of school activities, and be notified about students' behaviors.
1. Remind: 这是智慧手机的app,方便好用而且免费,老师需要先注册,然后上面会有说明如何设定班级,可以设定不同的班级,家长按照指示加入。老师可以选一个或全部的班级来发通知和提醒。如果是要个别通知,也有这个选项。
Remind is a nice and free APP. Download it then register. There will be clear instruction on how to set up classroom(s). Parents can follow direction to join your texting group. Teachers can reach out individual parent as well.
2. Newsletter: 把学习进度和目标打印寄给家长,可以用电子邮件,也可以打印出来,有些家长可能比较习惯读纸上的信息,可以打几分给这些家长就行。
Newsletter can be sent via email. Some parents prefer reading actual letters, so maybe few can be printed for the parents.
3. 影片:即使家长到了教室看到上课情况,他们也不一定了解学生在说什么。家长签下同意书之后,可以拍下学生的学习情况,制成影片给家长看。这些影片配合上课内容打上字母也是练习的工具。要注意的是,如果要上传的YouTube,一定要上传到unlisted,这样影片就无法被公开搜寻,当然,家长也要了解你的用意。如果学区有下载影片的地方,那就更方便了。
Classroom videos can be used to show parents the progress of the students. Parents will need to sign agreement to allow their kids to be filmed. When school and parents agree, the film can be uploaded to Youtube, however the setting should be on unlisted to avoid public searching. If school district has their own channel for film, then just use the District one to save troubles.
4. 教学网站:如果学区提供那就最好,如果学区没有提供方便的博客工具,老师也可以自己做一个网站,介绍学习目标和各种活动,给予中文功课的协助,如果做了影片,可以加在这里给家长看。
Blog or teaching website. Teachers can use blog to show learning objectives, embed the films, school activities, and homework help. Some school Districts provide blogs and teachers should take advantage of that.
5. 纸条:如果有些紧急要家长看到的活动或其他通知,我和我的搭档会把内容打印在颜色鲜艳的纸上,为了节省资源,尽量印小一点,一张纸可以印好几分,这些印出来的纸条会被折几折,学生书包上通常会有个提带,我们把折好的纸穿过提带用订书机钉起来。学生的书包是黑洞,很多东西进去来就从此找不到,所以这个方法,保证家长一定看到。
Sometimes a printed note is inevitable. A note can be printed multiple times on a paper then cut apart. Fold the cut out paper many times, thread through the loop on student's backpack. Staple the two ends together. Make sure to print on colorful papers. Students' backpacks often become blackhole. To have a note hanging this way can ensure parents to read the note.
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给学生自己练习天气名称和对话用的幻灯片。大家有兴趣也可以使用。 天气这个话题,我上课的习惯是天天说,不会单独成一个单元。因为学生每天来说一点,随着天气变化,这些贴身话题才能深深刻印在脑海里然后被使用。 1. 可以点击这个 链接 播放。 2. 如果想要下载更改成自己的 链接在此 。
赶在开学前,跟有爱有抱负的沉浸式老师再分享一次经验。 没有在美国教过书的老师要重新适应的事情非常多,沉浸式小学跟外语课的时间安排跟设计相去甚远,沉浸式的老师脑子要先净空,先把自己放在美国普通小学的上课角度。 我在美国大学读的教育专业,因为实习的关系,很早就体验美国小学课堂...
这位美国老师有类似的经验。有兴趣请点开来看。 跟上面这位美国老师一样,教书以来,我也试过非常多的奖惩制度方法,十多年来一直寻找方法,可是对试过的方法真的无法骄傲的说“我成功了”。 我也曾经把爱闹的学生名字写在白板上,给一个警告,不可以下课,杀鸡儆猴。可是这些鸡的生死不断...
给学生自己练习天气名称和对话用的幻灯片。大家有兴趣也可以使用。 天气这个话题,我上课的习惯是天天说,不会单独成一个单元。因为学生每天来说一点,随着天气变化,这些贴身话题才能深深刻印在脑海里然后被使用。 1. 可以点击这个 链接 播放。 2. 如果想要下载更改成自己的 链接在此 。
陳老師,真喜歡您的教學分享。在開學前幾週的複習當中,您提到了以分組的方式來複習。如果一個班級只有5到7個學生,怎麼樣的分組會比較合適? 謝謝!