Monday, September 5, 2016

两班的换课方式 Time switching 2

A friendly comment reminded me that I need to updated this blog and added something that my partner teacher and I had tried and worked.

Teaching is also learning and it never ends.

When I wrote the above post, I thought I found a great way to switch classes but my better half and I tried the daily switching method and we loved it even more.

Switching daily seems confusing but it's fairly simple. Look at the picture below. In fact, teachers have whole day worth of lesson to teach and any unfinished lesson can be continued the next morning.

Students basically start the day from where they end the day before. Simple as that. A reminder for teachers are two two-sided color cards. Teachers  ( eventually the students) will turn the colored cards around to show which class is in the classroom.  
This has been an easy and beneficial way for teachers and for students. 

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